A Policy Link Project

Strengthening the Food Safety Policy System” Initiative

The USAID-funded initiative, Strengthening the Food Safety Policy Systems in Bangladesh, is a system transformational effort led by the BSAFE Foundation with support from the Feed the Future Bangladesh Policy LINK Agricultural Policy Activity. Our goal is focused on driving significant improvements in Bangladesh's food safety policies and systems to ensure long-term, sustainable benefits for the nation's public health and agricultural sector. Through this initiative, BSAFE intends to create a food safety framework that is both robust and sustainable. This includes developing a National Food Safety Policy in collaboration with BFSA and related institutions, while improving coordination between BFSA, BSTI, DNCRP, and Local Government. Simultaneously, BSAFE is focused on cultivating strong leadership within the food safety sector, enabling the formation of a sustainable national alliance that will drive ongoing improvements and ensure the safety and well-being of all Bangladeshis for generations to come.

Strengthening Food Safety Policy Systems in Bangladesh

A National Food Salety Policy in consultation with BFSA and other related institutions at regional and national level.
A Plan to improve coordination among BFSA, BSTI and DNCRP to strengthen integrated national systems in consultation with relevant stakeholders at regional and national level
1. In order to achieve Objective 2, following the localization principles, this activity also addresses sustainability by developing an action plan to put in place a national alliance to strengthen leadership in food safety policy system beyond project period. BSAFE Foundation proposes to work on policy advocacy on the following results: Support to strengthen leadership in food safety policy system: facilitate a sustainable network in the form of National Food Safety Alliance in Bangladesh
2. BSAFE Foundation, in partnership with the Policy Activity, have conducted an extensive review of policies governing the food safety system in Bangladesh, followed by regional and national consultations, and key informant interviews (Kils) culminating in a policy brief titled "Recommendations to Strengthen Food Safety Policies and Systems In Bangladesh".
The Policy Brief identified 13 critical recommendations to strengthen the food salety system in Bangladesh.